Greet your Shopify Store Visitors with a custom AI Chatbot.
You don’t need a Credit Card for this. Please verify registration using Verification token which will be sent to your email id. Note your Client Token. m the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast.
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Set up up to 4 topics of your business along with subtopics. These must be the items on which you want to answer your visitors about. i.e. if you provide IT services and IT Staffing, your topics could be Services and Staffing. For Services, you could have sub topics as GenAI, DevOps, Data, etc. For Staffing you could set up subtopics as Remote Staff, Onsite Staff.
“GentAI Bot will answer with the content you train it with.”
Select your topic and subtopic, upload content as PDF or an URL links. For each file/url uploaded, train them and extract prompt. Please check our Support page for demos and details.
Click the Prompt menu item and check the auto generated prompts for each of your subtopics. You can modify those. These are the prompts the first time it will show your visitors as suggested questions.
Click on Snippet menu on the left. You might have to scroll down a bit. Generate your html snippet. You can add this to WordPress pages or any html page. For Shopify Store Owners, if you have signed up from your shopify app store, you can simply deploy using Theme App Extension.
Congratulations! You just got your AI Bot deployed on your website. Do check reports to track and learn about your visitors and about their queries.
AI Bots shine at it's peak when you teach them with rich and focussed content.
GentAI is very simple to setup using guided checklist.
Here are a few FAQs. You can email us at if you have further questions.
Absolutely No. You try for 7 days. For training the app, schedule meeting with GentAI Support team. They can help you to prepare your business content and then train the bot. There is no obligation within 7 days of trying all these.
Absolutely. Here is the link for it :
It also has a setup checklist and you can simply follow that for General and Home Page settings. For training the Bot, it is simple and fast. Refer to the setup page for it.
We respect customers' data and it's privacy. GentAI is an multitenant bot. No other customer can see your data. We are compliant as well. If you request us to delete your data, we will at all ends leaving no trace. All APIs are token and account driven. Others can't access it.
Remember I will only learn what you teach me. It is critical for you to provide me your business knowledge in a structured way.